JTFM News:
SARASOTA, Fla. - Atlas P. Londonderry has told the news media that he does not appreciate them referring to President Trump as a clown because clowns are proud and honorable people who do not lie, insult individuals, cheat on their wives, or incite people to attack each other with orange traffic cones. But he has told the media that they are free to call him any other names they want.
The presidency of Donald Trump has been marked by turbulence, and things seem to be getting even more chaotic with his recent announcement of running for the 2024 Presidential race and the legal challenges he is facing. Strong adversaries can often bolster one's political career, particularly in the White House. Unfortunately, this has also brought to light the pervasive sexism, racism, and harmful nationalism within this political sphere. It is important to remember that no one is exempt from the law.
The circus’s merry band of crooks, thugs, stooges, and apparatchiks is a microcosm of the Trump past administration. The President’s entourage has grown more significant than the elephants that once roamed its rings, but he has maintained his signature style of deception and self-promotion. His defensive midnight tweet storms have amused and offended millions, just as the lion tamer’s defensive circus tricks have entertained and enthralled crowds.
Like the old-time carnival barkers, Trump is a master at manipulating mindless media outlets to do his bidding. He has used this technique to amass a huge following and a massive amount of money, just as the old-time circuses attracted paying patrons by offering various entertainment options to attract a diverse audience.
Throughout history, there has been a fascination with so-called "bad boys" among Americans. These individuals may exhibit selfishness, arrogance, and even a hint of psychosis. However, they still capture the attention of those who admire their confidence, courage, and masculinity. They are often labeled as "jerks," "thugs," or "alpha males" and are both feared and respected by their peers.
These individuals are known as the ringmasters in the circus, responsible for crafting a mesmerizing display that captivates the audience's imagination. Similarly, the American presidency has often resembled a three-ring spectacle, dating back to the days of P.T. Barnum. Trump and the media circus have joined forces to create a new production known as the Cirque du Trump and the Media Clown show, much like how the Ringling Brothers acquired the Barnum and Bailey Circus in 1906.
And just like the merger of the two circuses, this new show may have some surprises for the nation. But it is unlikely that these will be positive surprises. The public is oblivious to the clowning in this circus and most likely will never see any of its true colors. And that’s probably just fine with them. As long as they are getting their sustenance and the entertainment they crave.
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